Banshu Sisters will appear on the product package🥰

Geographical Indications (GI) is a system that protects the right to use the name of a region on products produced in a particular region to ensure that the products have quality, reputation, or other characteristics unique to that region.

The Banshu Dried Noodle Export Expansion Council also registered Banshu dried noodles as a GI product, aiming to explain and prove the product in overseas transactions and to gain the trust of consumers.

So today we had a meeting for the registration of Banshu dried noodles as a GI product.

Each company will identify the products in which they excel and consider what is best suited in terms of product form, content volume, package material, size, and so on.

Now that the general direction of the project has been decided, we will start working on the specific design in September.

We will be able to report on our progress again next month!